Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Ways to childproof your smartphone

Now day’s kids are fond of using mobile phones. If I say everyone is fond of using mobile phone then it is correct. We are using mobile phones for various things in our daily life. In the world of smart phones business deals, day-to-day work, communicating, Internet, entertainment, etc can be done on our phones.

Kids are really very smart today like our smart phones.  There favourite pass time is playing with gadgets. Here we have some ways to childproof your smart phones.

If you allow your child to use your smart phone — for games and watching multimedia content — then you need to have some controls in place so as not to give too much access to the apps and personal data on your device.

Below are the ways to childproof your smart phone:

  • Windows Phone - In Windows Phone 8, your kid can simply swipe left on the lock-screen to go to the OS's Kid's Corner and can start using the apps that you have pre-approved.
On the home screen, swipe left to the App list, tap Settings > Kid's Corner.
Tap Next. Add the apps you want your child to have access to.
Tap Next > Set password. This will help to prevent your child from accessing your Start screen instead of Kids Corner.
Type a password and Tap 'Done'. Tap 'Finish' to leave setup and open Kid's Corner.

  •  Some apps are available to lock the applications on mobile phones. One  of them is : App lock. 

  • iOS - The Apple iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch can also be configured to be child-friendly with the help of its parental controls.

Tap Settings > General > Restrictions.
Tap 'Enable Restrictions'.
Enter a pass code to enable and configure the parental control. The same code will be required when changing these restrictions or disabling it altogether.

Choose between the built-in apps (Camera, iTunes, in-app purchases, installing deleting apps, etc), content (third-party apps, website access) and functions (account settings, location services, etc) you don't want your child to have access to.
  • Android phones -To filter content and prevent purchases on Goggle Play store Launch Goggle Play:  
Tap the Play store icon in the top left corner to open the menu. 
Go to Settings > Content filtering (under User Controls).
Choose the kind of maturity rating that applies to your child - Everyone, Low, High, etc.
Next you will be prompted to enter a PIN, to prevent your kids from changing these settings.                        
Next, under Goggle play settings (steps above), tap 'Require password for purchases' and change it to 'for all purchases' through Goggle Play on this device.
Enter your Goggle ID password to confirm, and tap OK.
  • Blackberry 10 - You can also limit your kid's access to certain functions on BB10 devices.
Go to Settings > Security and Privacy > Parental Controls.
Enable Parent Controls.
Enable the relevant options — phone calls, text messages, camera, browser, uploads to You Tube, install remove apps, app purchases, etc — to configure how much access your child can have on your Black Berry device.
Enter a pass code to determine anyone from tampering with these controls. Do  not share the PIN with your child.

Almost every kid is using mobile phones very smartly these days. It seems like they have learnt how to use in their Mom's womb. For this behaviour of kids to some extent parents are also responsible.  

Below is the graph showing the report age wise.

We cannot deny the kids, as mobile phones become basic necessity for everyone. Kids are seeing that mobile phones are the nearest thing to everyone. To avoid the situation thought some ideas to childproof our and your phones.

I hope above mentioned, some of the ways will definitely help parent to prevent Kids for using unwanted apps on smart phones.


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