Mom is a beautiful word. Its a God gift to a woman. She gets complete after a baby and its just not a myth. She becomes a mother after a baby comes in her life. The feeling of being a mom comes with a shine in eyes, blush on cheeks, smile on lips, lights on forehead, such a lovely experience. Everyone loves and respects her more. Its a start of a new phase of her life in which a lady gets changed physically, mentally and emotionally. Pregnancy takes nine months to complete but from the very first day, the feeling of being a mommy starts.
The pain and complication of pregnancy ends on the date baby comes in her hand. First shot of baby in cry mode and a mom smiles. New relationship starts on that day. Best relationship which directly attached to each other.

Whenever a woman is in labor she has pain, because her hour has come, but when she gives birth to the child, she no longer remembers the anguish because of the joy that a child has been born into the world.
But then there are women who can not be a part of this beautiful phase. It can be by choice or by luck. If such women don't want a child then they go for abortion and sometimes abortion/miscarriage happen naturally. Opting a pain might be equal to no pain. However who are accidentally caught in this tragic are full of pain. And in such accidents its a miscarriage/abortion of a feeling started of being a mommy.
The feeling starts with the smile, shine, brightness, lights, blush but ends with cries and silence.
Such incidents give U turn to ones life. After a miscarriage the hopes get shattered, mind stops working, heart keeps sinking and the women become silent for the death of motherhood....Ahhh it pains a lot. Its hard to imagine this pain.
We can console to them but the physical and mental wounds will be their forever in the form of marks. These marks are of their unseen cuts on her body, soul and heart. She still manages to stand again but with shaking legs and hands.
All she says,
Ah It pains like something hit on me.
It bleeds like something crashed on me.
It swells like a big pond. Ah I am broken.
My dreams lost like a dark room.
My emotions are floating like a boat with a hole.
Ah I am broken today."
All relatives and friends try to console her. But remains helpless. The best help she can get is from her husband. As he could understand the pain. Although, not so easy. As a man is not emotional enough to handle a mom emotions.
The time passes and for the world she is recovered. Her wounds are heeled up, but the marks will stay there in her soul and heart.