Teenage is a group of age between 13 to 19 yrs of boys and
girls. Teenage behaviour is a big concern these days. They want to fly like
birds in the sky but they are not aware of the actual height. Teenage don’t
bother to know about their power and restrictions.
Teenagers are typically at secondary school, early years of college,
post school training or in the first few years of work. The teenage years
shows the transition from childhood to adulthood.
The children of the teenage group
are facing high risk problems these days. I have tried to collect all and
mentioned below as:
- Home work pressure
- Bad grades in studies
- Body fitness
- Looks
- Acne
- Clothes, accessories and vehicle
- Teenage menstruation
- Fighting of parents at home
- Single mother or father after divorce
- Overprotective parents
- Eating disorders
- Getting involved with drugs, cigarette smoking and alcohol
- Fear of no friends
- Crushes
- Boy friend /Girl friend fights and problems
- Leg pulling
- Peer pressure (sex)
- Pregnancy
From the past history it has been reported that nearly twenty percent of teens will experience depression during adulthood; as many as thirty percent of those with teen depression will develop alcoholism problems.
While teen depression is common to both genders, girls are twice as likely to
experience and report symptoms of depression as boys their age, possibly a
result of social expectations that encourage girls to express their feelings
while discouraging boys from showing weakness. It has been estimated that
nearly eighty percent of children with teen depression do not receive the
necessary treatment. Significant risk factors for teen depression include
trauma, loss (parents, friends, and romantic relationships), abuse,
family history of depression, family conflict, long-term illness, increasing
social stress and dependence, experimentation with alcohol and drugs, and
increasing sexual pressure.
Even I have noticed many times teenage boys and girls studying in secondary school and in early college going through with the stage of stress due to various above things. But it is very shocking to get relief from the stress or just as a status symbol to enjoy. Sometimes it becomes boldness of the personality and attitude to attract opposite sex. You can see in the malls , cigarette shop, cafe, food court, parks etc all are surrounded with the teenage smoking, drinking etc.
In the high-tech societies
drugs and computer crime are the most obvious items, along with murder and illegal
sex, leading to pregnancy, and infanticide. But there are more basic causes
behind these results of the depraved teenage life. So rather than debate about the
other issues, it is more important to ask what are teenagers doing using
computers at all? And what are they doing running around town
unsupervised and free to "score" drugs?
Where do they get the money for drugs anyway? Steal it of course, or sometimes earn it at their job at the fast food restaurant or other types of part time jobs. It serves no educational purpose, and so besides buying drugs, what do teens need money for anyway? What?
Look at the typical teenager you know, perhaps that surly boy across the street, and ask yourself: Does that kid deserve to be listening to pop music at all? Obviously, he or she deserves no free pop music, and with no job, they don't have money to buy Cd's or costly set to play them on. Think about what happens when these minors, who can be as strong and fast as adults, listen to rock music. Their blood boils and they enter into a kind of frenzy.
In some research, it has been noticed that today's teenage behaviour has increased abortion nation, and unwanted teen mom nation. It doesn't stop there, of course.
I am scared of how we will protect our kids from the spoiled air around us. There is a question in our mind "how we nurture our kids will matter?".
~~ By Shiva