Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Teenage problems

Teenage is a group of age between 13 to 19 yrs of boys and girls. Teenage behaviour is a big concern these days. They want to fly like birds in the sky but they are not aware of the actual height. Teenage don’t bother to know about their power and restrictions.

Teenagers are typically at secondary school, early years of college, post school training or in the first few years of work. The teenage years shows the transition from childhood to adulthood.

The children of the teenage group are facing high risk problems these days. I have tried to collect all and mentioned below as:
  • Home work pressure
  • Bad grades in studies
  • Body fitness
  • Looks
  • Acne
  • Clothes, accessories and vehicle
  • Teenage menstruation 
  • Fighting of parents at home
  • Single mother or father after divorce
  • Overprotective parents
  • Eating disorders
  • Getting involved with drugs, cigarette smoking and alcohol
  • Fear of no friends
  • Crushes
  • Boy friend /Girl friend fights and problems
  • Leg pulling
  • Peer pressure (sex)
  • Pregnancy

From the past history it has been reported that nearly twenty percent of teens will experience depression during adulthood; as many as thirty percent of those with teen depression will develop alcoholism problems.
While teen depression is common to both genders, girls are twice as likely to experience and report symptoms of depression as boys their age, possibly a result of social expectations that encourage girls to express their feelings while discouraging boys from showing weakness. It has been estimated that nearly eighty percent of children with teen depression do not receive the necessary treatment. Significant risk factors for teen depression include trauma, loss (parents, friends, and romantic relationships), abuse, family history of depression, family conflict, long-term illness, increasing social stress and dependence, experimentation with alcohol and drugs, and increasing sexual pressure.

Even I have noticed many times teenage boys and girls studying in secondary school and in early college going through with the stage of stress due to various above things. But it is very shocking to get relief from the stress or just as a status symbol to enjoy. Sometimes it becomes boldness of the personality and attitude to attract opposite sex. You can see in the malls , cigarette shop, cafe, food court, parks etc all are surrounded with the teenage smoking, drinking etc.
In the high-tech societies drugs and computer crime are the most obvious items, along with murder and illegal sex, leading to pregnancy, and infanticide. But there are more basic causes behind these results of the depraved teenage life. So rather than debate about the other issues, it is more important to ask what are teenagers doing using computers at all? And what are they doing running around town unsupervised and free to "score" drugs?  
Where do they get the money for drugs anyway? Steal it of course, or sometimes earn it at their job at the fast food restaurant or other types of part time jobs. It serves no educational purpose, and so besides buying drugs, what do teens need money for anyway? What?

Look at the typical teenager you know, perhaps that surly boy across the street, and ask yourself: Does that kid deserve to be listening to pop music at all? Obviously, he or she deserves no free pop music, and with no job, they don't have money to buy Cd's or costly set to play them on. Think about what happens when these minors, who can be as strong and fast as adults, listen to rock music. Their blood boils and they enter into a kind of frenzy. 

In some research, it has been noticed that today's teenage behaviour has increased abortion nation, and unwanted teen mom nation.  It doesn't stop there, of course. 

I am scared of how we will protect our kids from the spoiled air around us. There is a question in our mind "how we nurture our kids will matter?".

But where there is a problem there is a solution always. Therefore now a days many govt and social groups services are available to fight with this problem. Hope to see you again with solution details.

~~ By Shiva

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

I couldn't find me....

I am nowhere when I searched me.
I looked inside, And peeped outside,
I asked myself where I can be!!
But I am nowhere, Can I find me ?

In blue sky high, in deep down sea,
where there is air, I searched everywhere.
I couldn't find me.
Am I lost or gone,
Or I'm all alone,
Where are my steps,
Or token of regards.
I found none, who abolished thee.

Then she came in with a doubt and said,
Dad, Are you searching me !
I clutched her tight, with triumph in eyes,
I am in you, why I need me.
Yeah, I found you, I woofed with delight.
Yeah I found me.


Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Ways to childproof your smartphone

Now day’s kids are fond of using mobile phones. If I say everyone is fond of using mobile phone then it is correct. We are using mobile phones for various things in our daily life. In the world of smart phones business deals, day-to-day work, communicating, Internet, entertainment, etc can be done on our phones.

Kids are really very smart today like our smart phones.  There favourite pass time is playing with gadgets. Here we have some ways to childproof your smart phones.

If you allow your child to use your smart phone — for games and watching multimedia content — then you need to have some controls in place so as not to give too much access to the apps and personal data on your device.

Below are the ways to childproof your smart phone:

  • Windows Phone - In Windows Phone 8, your kid can simply swipe left on the lock-screen to go to the OS's Kid's Corner and can start using the apps that you have pre-approved.
On the home screen, swipe left to the App list, tap Settings > Kid's Corner.
Tap Next. Add the apps you want your child to have access to.
Tap Next > Set password. This will help to prevent your child from accessing your Start screen instead of Kids Corner.
Type a password and Tap 'Done'. Tap 'Finish' to leave setup and open Kid's Corner.

  •  Some apps are available to lock the applications on mobile phones. One  of them is : App lock. 

  • iOS - The Apple iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch can also be configured to be child-friendly with the help of its parental controls.

Tap Settings > General > Restrictions.
Tap 'Enable Restrictions'.
Enter a pass code to enable and configure the parental control. The same code will be required when changing these restrictions or disabling it altogether.

Choose between the built-in apps (Camera, iTunes, in-app purchases, installing deleting apps, etc), content (third-party apps, website access) and functions (account settings, location services, etc) you don't want your child to have access to.
  • Android phones -To filter content and prevent purchases on Goggle Play store Launch Goggle Play:  
Tap the Play store icon in the top left corner to open the menu. 
Go to Settings > Content filtering (under User Controls).
Choose the kind of maturity rating that applies to your child - Everyone, Low, High, etc.
Next you will be prompted to enter a PIN, to prevent your kids from changing these settings.                        
Next, under Goggle play settings (steps above), tap 'Require password for purchases' and change it to 'for all purchases' through Goggle Play on this device.
Enter your Goggle ID password to confirm, and tap OK.
  • Blackberry 10 - You can also limit your kid's access to certain functions on BB10 devices.
Go to Settings > Security and Privacy > Parental Controls.
Enable Parent Controls.
Enable the relevant options — phone calls, text messages, camera, browser, uploads to You Tube, install remove apps, app purchases, etc — to configure how much access your child can have on your Black Berry device.
Enter a pass code to determine anyone from tampering with these controls. Do  not share the PIN with your child.

Almost every kid is using mobile phones very smartly these days. It seems like they have learnt how to use in their Mom's womb. For this behaviour of kids to some extent parents are also responsible.  

Below is the graph showing the report age wise.

We cannot deny the kids, as mobile phones become basic necessity for everyone. Kids are seeing that mobile phones are the nearest thing to everyone. To avoid the situation thought some ideas to childproof our and your phones.

I hope above mentioned, some of the ways will definitely help parent to prevent Kids for using unwanted apps on smart phones.


Friday, 15 August 2014

Kids health and nutrition

Today's kids are very finicky with the food. All they want most of the time is junk food like burgers, pizza, chips, cakes, cold-drinks etc. In our time we were not so much fond of such eatables as these were not in very much culture. What we loved to have were milk cakes, toffees, chat, gol gappas, south Indians food etc. But these too were given once a while to you.

As a parent I really worry about the intake my kids consume on daily basis as it's responsible for healthy mental and physical development of children.  Junk food are low on nutrition and contain important unnecessary fats. As per doctor such food lowers the metabolic system and make our child lazy, sluggish and prone to obesity and dental cavities.

Parents know having fruits, green vegetables, grains, dairy products etc are good for health. But for a kid what should be the minimum intake and what are the products whose consumption on daily basis is enough of our kids. This lead me to explore on this and found the following information.

Food Group
Food ItemsServing SizeNutrition
Wheat Biscuit
1 cup
1/2 -1 cup
1/2 -1 cup
1-2 slices
1/2 -1 roll
1/2 cup

Cooked vegies
Medium potato
Carrot (sliced)
Half a cup cooked vegetables or one cup raw, leafy vegetables.
Vitamins and Minerals
Half a cup frozen for raw fruits, or 6 ounce fruit juice, or1/4 cup dried fruits
Vitamins and Minerals
Dairy Products
Milk Proteins
Lean Proteins
Dried beans
Peanut butter
100 g (2 slices), cooked
3/4 cup, chopped
1 chicken leg
1 medium fillet
3/4 cup canned or cooked beans, lentils or peas

1 tablespoon
Meat Protein
Fats, Sweets and Oils
Low-fat mayonnaise
Light salad dressing
Soft margarine
Vegetable oil (canola, safflower, olive or corn)
1 tablespoon oil or mayonnaise
Fat and Sugar

From the above food items we have to chose any one at least to cover up the respective food group:

  • Breads, cereals, legumes and other grain foods
  • Vegetables, salads
  • Fruits, dry fruits
  • Milk, yogurt and cheese
  • Meat, fish, poultry, eggs and legumes to ensure an adequate intake of all the essential nutrients

And the diet  chart for kids :

7.00 am - 8.00 am 
A glass of any juice / Milk + stuffed Paratha / oats + any fruit
Morning Break
10.00 am - 11.00 am
Some dry fruits + unsweetened fruit smoothie
1.00 pm - 2.00 pm
Cheese / curd + salad / jacket potato + rice / chapati + Dal / vegetable 
Evening Snacks
4.00 pm - 5.00 pm
semi-skimmed milk + low-fat crisps / biscuit  + one fruit
7.00 pm - 8.00 pm
Salad + Whole wheat pasta/chapatti + vegetable +  juice (with fruit and ice cream) / milk
Night Snack
10.00 pm
A peanut butter or cheese slice + skimmed milk

We indians have many other options to replace the food items with the same nutritions like daal chilla, dosa, idli, stuffed rolls, sandwitches, etc. These options avoid monotnous food  items and bring excitment in kids for food varieties.

Last but not the least, water and other fluids are equally important. There amoint of consumtion vary with weather and the avtivities our kids do. Still as a standard our kids must have at leady 1 - 2 liter of fluids.


Friday, 8 August 2014

Ebola Virus..Preparation to avoid Ebola Virus in India

 Central health ministry has started taking strict measures to avoid Ebola virus. Most of the top hospitals and agencies have been warned about Ebola virus. Also government has ordered to observe and diagnose the people coming from different countries. This virus is so dangerous as 90% chances are there for ones death.
Health ministers organised a meeting with all the related agencies to avoid the Ebola virus. This meeting included the representative member of India in World Health Organisation(WHO) "Nata Menabde".
Nata Menabde discussed about the count of people in West Africa effected  from this virus and measures to avoid the virus.

World bank Gini, will give 20 Crore dollar to West African countries like Liberia and Sierra Leone. The above money will be used to protect and treat the people effected from Ebola virus. Mr Jim Yong Kim told that the this has been organised to help the three most countries effected from Ebola virus. Mr Kim told that world bank is fastening the process of fighting back the people effected from Ebola.

Whole world people is fearing off from Ebola virus. 90% of the people effected from this virus are dying. Though now only west African countries are effected from this virus. But this disease is reaching soon to other countries in small scale.  World Health Organisation has declared this as unstoppable disease.Lets study more on Ebola.

Ebola symptons:

Initial symptoms:
• Fever
• Severe headache
• Joint and muscle aches
• Chills
• Weakness

Advanced symptoms:
• Nausea and vomiting
• Diarrhea
• Red eyes
• Raised rash
• Chest pain and cough
• Stomach pain
• Severe weight loss
• Bleeding from eyes, bruising or other orifices
• Internal bleeding

How to treat:

-No treatment
-No medicine
-Organisations are working on Anti virus vaccine

Virus started 40 years back:
-40 years back in 1974 first case of Ebola virus was recorded in African counties Sudan and Congo.
-Firstly this disease Ebola was spread in Democratic Republic of Congo  near Ebola river.
-Since then, this virus spreads 15 times in Africa.
-Growing in African countries.
-In 2014, firstly it is recorded in March.

How Ebola virus spread:

-Virus spread through mucous and other body fluid or secretions such as stool, urine, saliva and semen of infected people,
-It is transmitted through direct contact with the infected person and it is not an airborne virus.
-In contact with Infected blood and stool
-Animals in infected areas.
-Sex with infected person
-Infected dead body

Indians should not think that they are far from the reach of Ebola virus and are safe as there are close to 45,000 Indians living in Ebola-affected countries. There are chances that Ebola outbreak may occur in India if the Indians affected from this virus plan to come back home. Unlike other infectious diseases which originate from rural areas, the Ebola outbreak originated from urban areas.

Precaution taken up in India:
-Special medical checkup of passengers in Indian airports
-Medical checkup of people from Liberia , Gini , Nigeria and Sierra Leone in Indian Airport.
-There is a alert in America and Europe also.

Countries trapped with this virus:

West Africa countries--- Gini , Sierra Leone and Liberia , etc.

Ebola killed,  more than 890 people in 2014.
Almost 1600 people are infected.
People from different countries are infected.

~~By Shiva