Monday, 8 June 2015

Importance of Standardizing the test scripts for WEBSITE TESTING......

It's not always that we love to do same things with interest and energy. For me when it comes to work then I don’t get passion in doing exact task again and again. I like managing things and saving time. So any IT person be having the same mindset.

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All IT companies are running on projects that they work for, Either Indian based or outsourced. The project can either be product based or browser based. Browser based means any website testing.

The chances that a product based project will vary from the other product based project are really 95%. But website has some or many similarities. Especially if it’s shopping or retail website then you will find so many common functionality.

In case If you are working for a company dealing with the retail website testing. And there are so many websites with similar functionality then why do we need to write test cases from scratch.
Very smartly, 

We can save our time by pulling existing test scripts that we used for our previous website testing and modify them accordingly. In this way we can use the time in better testing and providing on-time deliveries.

I not only found writing same test cases and steps for different website as waste of time but boring too. Then my peer reviewers were not very interested in reviewing same things again and again. 

While pulling the existing standard scripts not only save time, but also finance that client is uselessly paying for these hours. This way client too finds this trick smart and logical.

So logically I started pulling the existing scripts from the similar web based project and made changes in the required areas. Off course the existing test cases used to be very complete and reviewed ones. I used different color text for updating content. And reviewer also reviewed only that part for review.

If you are still thinking of reasons for why should we skip creating test scripts from scratch and use the existing ones:

  1. Illustration 1: Source -
    Most of the functional areas of web site are almost same like login page, registration page, add to cart page, wish list, checkout process pages, shipping options, payment options, product page content, recently viewed, relevant products, promo code facilities etc. 
  2. Many times we get the projects which are just enhancements or changes in existing functionality.
  3. Content management system which includes defining of slots and image uploads with static and dynamic ways is also common for all websites.
  4. All retail websites have CSR system too. Where the customer service man can assist using the application without any defects.
  5. Then the back end system that is warehouse application using JDA is also used by all websites which arranges products and delivers them to customer.
  6. The concept of cookies, time out feature and security are common in every website
  7. Web based projects are very frequently porn to requirement changes in any phase of testing. 
  8. The types of testing that a website application require and the client may ask for are common like browser compatibility testing, performance testing, security testing etc.
Illustration 2: Source -
All the above modules are very common in every retail website. Although the steps to use functionality may vary, their designing and the outcome on using them may also vary. Then why can’t we use the same set of scripts with some modifications as per the requirements.

Off course modification may and may not take less time. Even sometimes one may feel it better to start from scratch than to modify so much. This guilt of wasting too much time in modification can be handled by creating a set of standard test cases for each of the common functionality.

What do you mean by standard test case in website testing?

~ Here by standard test case for website testing I mean to create test cases very complete including the set of data and variables that may require to test.

~ The test case modification should be easy just by making changes in non similar data and variables.

~ The entrance and exit criteria should be properly defined for each set of website functionality including the perquisites.

~ The steps or the statements in the steps should be highlighted with different color which need to be modified for different websites for testing.

~ There should be no test data of any website attached to any step in any test case. Instead the data which can be commonly used for testing of all websites should sure be there.

~ The language used for the standard test case creation should be very generic. It should not specify any particular website.

~ All the features of every websites should be covered in the test cases. If there is a new feature or any old feature which is present only in a website then there must be test case/s for the feature too in the standard test cases set.

~ The name of the test cases should be the name of the functionality or the feature the test case is covering. This will make ease for us to find the particular test case from the set.

~ If there is any basic or standard sample or GUI file or screen shot of the feature or the functionality then it should be well attached with the relevant steps.

By using above tips one can create a set of standard scripts and use them with little or required modifications for different websites.

I found the above procedure very helpful in my manual testing for websites. But there are organizations who relate this requirement of standard scripts with business and introduce automation of such scripts to the client. Although automation may be costlier for the client but time saving too. Hence its up to the client to go for manual testing or automation of website quality check.

In Automation too the tester creates a set of scripts which can be used repeatedly for different websites with some modifications. But modifications in automation scripts are more time consuming as compared to manual test cases editing.

The automation of stable GUI is most effective in reusing the same scripts for same website. Its challenging to maintain the same set of automation scripts for different websites, because all websites have different GUI. I never found it as effective as manual. It always missed bugs and took more time in editing scripts for perfection of each website.

In my opinion using standard set of manual test cases for different websites with little modifications is best way to carry a website testing. All we need is to keep the test cases with proper standards which can make the testers interesting and trouble-free to rework on them.


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